Wednesday, October 11, 2023

All-New 2024 MERCEDES eACTROS 600

MERCEDES BENZ සමාගම ඔක්තොම්බර් 10 වෙනිදා ඔවුන්ගේ නවතම රථය ගැන තොරතුරැ එලිදැක්වුවා . ඒ 6 වෙනි පරම්පරාව වෙන eACTROS 600 රථයයි . මේ රථයේ කැබින් එක ගොඩක් නවීන අංග වලින් සමන්විත වෙනවා එය PRO CAB ලෙස නම් කර තිබෙනවා . බාහිරින් කලින් රථයට වඩා සුළු වෙනස්කම් කීපයක් කර ඇති අතර එමගින් AERODYNAMIC හැඩය වර්නධය කර තිබෙනවා . විදුලියෙන් ධාවනය වන රථයක් නිසා එය ගොඩක් වැදගත් බැටරි බලයෙන් වැඩි දුරක් යාමට . StreamSpace, BigSpace , GigaSpace යන මාදිලි තුනෙන් මෙම රථය නිෂ්පාදනය කෙරෙනවා . 

emergency brake පද්ධතියේ වැඩි දියුණුකිරීම් ද කර තිබෙනවා වාහනය ඉදිරිපස දෙපස ඉතා හොදින් ග්‍රහනය කරගැනීමට රේඩාර් පද්ධතිය

 කැමරා පද්හැධතියද සමග ඒකාබද්ධ කර  සකස්කර තිබේ . මෙය ABA 6 ලෙස නම් කර තිබෙනවා .

3 BATTERY PACK 621KW ( lithium iron-phosphate technology ) 536hp

චාජරයකින්  විනාඩි 15-20 ක කාලයක් ආරෝපණය කිරීම මගින් ක දුරක් යාමට හැකිවන බව සදහන් කෙරෙනවා .මේ බැටරි මගින් ක දුරක් යාමට හැකි බව සමාගම සදහන් කෙරෙනවා .

RANGE :- 500Km one charge 

800V Electric axle with 2 Electric Motors

4 Speed transmision 

eACTROS 600 රථය 2024 අවසානයේදී මිලදී ගතහැකි බවත් සදහන් වේ .


Mercedes-Benz  unveiled the new, sixth generation of the Actros. Interestingly, however, the German manufacturer did not present the entire new range, but started with one specific variant, called eActros 600. What is, on the other hand, under this name and when you can expect to refresh the rest of the offer, 

Let me start with some general information. The most attention is drawn to the cabin, bearing the nickname “ProCabin” and distinguished by a completely new front wall. It is a construction 8 centimeters longer than its predecessor, making it 9 percent less aerodynamic resistance. At the bottom we will notice as many as two sheltered steps, matrix LED headlights appeared in the bumper, and a decorative "light band" was installed around them, also used as daylights. In addition, there are a few new details, such as aerodynamic front-pillar overlays, redesigned spoilers, or a displaced ramp side mirror to provide better visibility to the “dead field”. However, the offer of roof elevations is to be the same as before, including the versions of StreamSpace, BigSpace and GigaSpace. The analysis of the sleeping area was also changed.

In the middle of the “ProCabin” cab, it has barely changed at a minimum, receiving a new upholstery and a new generation of multimedia system, with a belt of integrated touch switches. A legal eye may notice new seals on the inside of the door, which is a nod to people holding shoes at the last stage. As for electronic systems, together with the modernization of the cabin, the Germans presented a new generation of “dead field” radars, as well as the improved emergency brake. These radars are now to be located on both sides of the body and directly cooperate with the cameras, creating a full picture of the situation around the tractor. However, the new emergency brake, called ABA 6, will recognize the intrusion of a pedestrian or cyclist on the roadway and brake the kit up from up to 60 km/h.

At the time of the premiere, the question arose as to why Mercedes-Benz did not also extend the sleeping area, as the new EU regulation, provided for more aerodynamic trucks, allows it. Here, Daimler Truck’s head of Daimler Truck, Karin Redstrom, responded to the reporters with the words “stay tuned”, which in a free translation means “Wait for further information”. In other words, it is possible that soon such a variant with an extended bedroom will be attached to the offer, but so far the company does not want to reveal anything. In the same tone, the president also spoke about the premiere of a new cabin with diesel engines. Such vehicles have already been seen on tests in camouflage, with a clearly visible grill in the cooler’s atravel and fuel tanks (example can be found here). Personally, I would expect that in a few months “ProCabin” will also go to the diesel offer. However, today only the variant with the electrician was officially presented, just in the version called the eActros 600.

As the manufacturer himself describes it, the Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 is an “electric truck for long-distance transport”. How would this be implemented in practice? The main answer lies behind the number “600”, which is the capacity of traction batteries (exactly 600 kWh of useful capacity and 621 kWh total capacity). These are batteries in a highly efficient lithium-ilor-phosphate technology, thanks to which the loaded set is to drive in moderate conditions up to 500 kilometers on a single charge. At the same time, charging itself is to be extremely fast, as the eActros 600 has been adapted to the 400 kW charger. 100 kilometers of range can be recovered in about 15-20 minutes. What’s more, in the list of options, a 1000 kW charger socket will immediately appear, capable of restoring 100 kilometers of range in just a few minutes. So if such chargers will ever appear on the roads (today such strong devices are not yet mounted), eActros will be immediately adapted for their use. In addition, the manufacturer promises a battery life of 1.2 million kilometers, assuming an approximately 10-year life cycle of the vehicle.

500 kilometers of range is a lot for an electric truck. However, what is typical of this technology, everything is paid for by its own mass. The 4x2 tractor unit visible in the pictures – I emphasize, the tractor itself – is expected to weigh 11.6 tons, of which 4.5 tons fall on the battery itself. Therefore, the load capacity of a typical set with a curtain semi-trailer is to drop to about 22 tons. On the other hand, even such a version of 4x2 was immediately designed for 44-ton kits, as the European Union is to add four DMC tonnes to promote electric vehicles. The batteries themselves also turn out to take a surprisingly little space, being guided completely under the frame. Such a system is possible thanks to the transfer of the electric motor directly to the drive axle, thus eliminating the shaft. And speaking of the engine, we come to a very interesting information. Namely, the Mercedes-Benz eActros 600 will be available in just one power version, offering 816 hp in a temporary or 544 hp continuously. To put it more literally – when the truck has to climb a steep hill, for a few dozen seconds we will have more than 800 horsepower at our disposal! However, during long-term driving at a constant speed, 544 hp will remain.

With a view to transferring this power, Mercedes-Benz also unveiled a new transmission offering four gears. This is a fully optimal amount for an electrician, as the electric motors spin to very high speeds. However, at the braking, there is to be a five-stage recuperation. It is a form of motor brake, reversing the direction of the unit and thus generating electricity instead of using it. Proper operation of this recuperation will be able to significantly affect the range, especially on routes of a difficult nature. That is why the manufacturer immediately decided to combine this with a new generation of cruise control predicting the topography of the Predictive Powertrain Control area. Another support is also to be a special satellite navigation system, with functions developed specifically for electric propulsion. Once the route’s destination has been entered, it will automatically select charging points, estimate energy consumption and calculate how long the truck should charge there to cover the route in the most efficient way. You will also be able to see a special map, presenting the range without charging taking into account the current conditions on the road and the topography of the terrain. However, among the equipment for relaxation, each eActros is to have a parking air conditioning, parking heating and a 230V cabin socket.

The electric variant presented today, the Mercedes-Benz eActros 600, was immediately released. However, the first deliveries to customers will have to wait until the end of 2024, because it is then that series production will begin at the German factory in Werth am Rhein. By the way, the company is convinced that customers will not be missing, especially in Germany, after all, the truck will be exempt from the new rates of the toll, and 500 kilometers of coverage will allow to operate, for example, fixed BDF lines. Hence the 6x2 chassis with a frame for BDFs, which was immediately staged during the premiere. But any release date, sale, or even more so the delivery of a new diesel cabin remains a mystery. As soon as there are specifics on this topic, I will, of course, inform.

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